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Quick try-out ?

We have created a script that can be used to setup the services quickly on your local system. The script sets up the notifyone-gateway, notifyone-core and notifyone-handler and notifyone-dashboardservices quickly on your machine (it automatically installs dependencies and resolves connectivity between services). After runnig this script, you can play around with services on your local, crate app and events, trigger notification etc. Of couse, you won't be able to send actual notifications as handlers are initialized with dummy providers configuration (notification requests will fail eventually with some error message).


  • Docker : your machine must have docker installed and running.
  • Python - your machine must have python version >= 3.7 installed on it.

How to?

  • Clone the NotifyOne project

    • git clone
  • cd to notifyone directory

    • cd notifyone
  • Run setup script -

    • python3 <OS architecture>

    OS architecture param depends upon the platform you are usig. Based the the OS it's possible values can be one of -

    • linux/amd64 - for MacOS
    • linux/arm64/v8 - for linux based system

When the script is successful you see output like this -

Quick Setup Services

Quick Setup Services

Above steps has setup a number of services (NotifyOne component services, a Redis server, a Postgres instance and Localstack to mock AWS services) in the docker. You can check the services using docker ps command -

  • Running docker ps command gives a output like this -

Quick Setup Services

Start using the setup

Congratulations! your setup is done. Jump to the Send Your First Notification section to start using this setup.