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This section of the documentation covers only the installation part. If you have already installed/deployed the services and want to start using NotifyOne to send out notifications, jump to Getting Started section.

Tools & Technologies you need before getting started

For a full-fledged production deployment, you are required to have below tools and technologies installed in your environment. However, you don't need these tools for Quick Tryout.

  • Postgres DB: NotifyOne usages postgres as database to store templates, notifications and other details

  • Redis: NotifyOne needs to connect to a redis instance. Redis is used as a caching layer to maximize the performance.

  • AWS SQS: Used as queue for asynchronous processing of notification requests, and status updates.

  • AWS S3: S3 is used as notification content storage for sent notifications. You can find the content of the notifications previously sent in the S3 bucket you configure with NotifyOne.