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This section provides an overview of the key concepts and terminologies utilized within the system. Understanding this information is crucial for comprehending the general functionality of the NotifyOne system. It is strongly recommended to thoroughly review this section prior to using the NotifyOne system.



Apps are required for multi-tenancy in the system. Each app in the system is a different tenant.

The first thing that your need to get started with the NotifyOne system is creating an App.

An App can be seen as a tenant in your notification system. Different apps in this notification system denote different verticals or backends that use the notification system to send out the notifications. Apps can be seen as logical grouping of sets of different users that use the system. There are certain settings and configurations that bind to the apps (like - email sender details, webhooks etc) making it a representation of a particular backend or vertical in your system.

For example, if there are two different backends in your organization that want to send out emails using different sender details or receive webhooks on different endpoints, they must register as different apps in the notification system. Apart from this, app name can also be used to write a priority logic that select different channel partners for different apps.

How to create an App?

The Core component exposes an API to create apps in the system. Checkout the Create App API for your reference.

You can also create an App using the NotifyOne CMS. Refer to the Send Your First Notification section for more details around creating an App.



Events are at core of defining notifications. An Event can be seen as a set of notifications from available notification channels (email/sms/push/whatsapp) that has a priority, type and other attributes.

As we know, NotifyNne is an event driven system. Notifications are bound to events in this system. So before you could send out notifications using this system, you need to define an event in the system and attach different notification channels (email, sms, push and whatsapp) with it. Events can be seen as representation of trigger points in your system that require you to send notifications to your customers i.e. when an order is placed, when an order is delivered, when reward points are credited, etc. An event can have a single or all of the available notification channels enabled with it.

How to create an Event?

The Core component exposes an API to create events in the system. Checkout the Create Event API for your reference.

You can also create an Event using the NotifyOne CMS. Refer to the Send Your First Notification section for more details around creating an Event.

Notification Channel

Notification channels are basically the types of notifications. Currenty, NotifyOne supports four notifcation channels namely

  • Email
  • Sms
  • Push (in-app push notifications)
  • WhatsApp

A new notification channel named VoIP (voice notifications) will be rolled out soon with a future release.

Channel Partner or Service Provider

A channel partner or service provider is an external service provider that provides services to send out actual email, sms and other types of notifications. For example -

  • SparkPost for Emails
  • SMS Country or Plivo for Sms
  • FCM for Push
  • Interakt for Whatsapp